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AC All The Time
  • AC All The Time


    " This SHIRT"is dedicated to the millions who visit Atlantic City at all times of the year to find rest, recreation, and enjoyment.
    It is Atlantic City's business to entertain and amuse the outside world, and the residents of Atlantic City have been accomplishing this purpose so well for the past fifty years that among travelers and tourists, Atlantic City stands for service, pleasure, luxury, hospitality. Atlantic City is not "one of the sights" for the tourist to visit and forget. After people have once visited Atlantic City, they return as often as they can and stay as long as they can. Thous ands of former visitors are now Permanent Residents.
    One can talk about one's good times in Atlantic City, but mere words cannot begin to tell the story of this world famous seaside playground.
    This book, depicting a few
    of Atlantic City's many attractions in their natural colors, enables the enthusiastic visitor on his return home to have something tangible to show his friends while talking about his visit, and something to keep before him as a constant reminder of Atlantic City's charms while anticipating his next trip.


    This is from 1920's Atlantic City Marketing!

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